You Can Invest
in Their Future!
Last year, we served more than 6,000 students in programs ranging from dental screenings to scholarships.
We contributed approximately $26,000 in in-kind services to HEER Plus (Health, Education, Employment and Recreation) we also provided $7,000 in scholarships, and $3,000 in in-kind value for tutorial/mentoring services.
Continental Societies has been actively advancing the lives of under-served children for more than 60 years providing assistance in the areas of health, education, employment, recreation, and the arts and humanities. We provide community-based programs for students in elementary, middle and high schools in the Washington Metropolitan area.
The Continental Societies, Inc. Washington D.C. Chapter
A 501(c)(3) Nonprofit Public Service Organization

For additional information please contact
Ms. Denise Shelton
Marketplace Chairperson
(202) 246-9287 or
email dmshelton3@comcast.net
Valerie Kilby
(301) 292-7436
email kilbyv@gmail.com
Our mission is to advance the welfare of under-served children. We provide community-based programs for students in elementary, middle and high schools in the Washington Metropolitan area. Continental Societies has been actively devoted to this goal for more than 60 years providing assistance in the areas of health, education, employment, recreation, and the arts and humanities.
Your donation or sponsorship will help ensure the success for the students that benefit from our programs. Please see the attached form and instructions on how to make a donation and information regarding our annual gala. We hope you can join us for our Annual Gala on October 28, 2017 and will also consider supporting our mission through a sponsorship. Please let us know by June 1, 2017 if you are interested in being a featured sponsor.
Last year, we served more than 6,000 students in programs ranging from dental screenings to scholarships. We contributed approximately $26,000 in in-kind services to HEER Plus (Health, Education, Employment and Recreation) we also provided $7,000 in scholarships, and $3,000 in in-kind value for tutorial/mentoring services.
We ask that you consider supporting our organization in meeting our goal to more than double the students that we supported last year.